The beginning.
In the beginning...there was nothing.... which exploded.
We will talk about that later, for now lets talk about the beginning of my current journey. This is the beginning of my medical marijuana venture. I am now officially a legal Colorado medical marijuana patient and caregiver. I am one half of a creative team. WE are Meditiva, WE are Think Squad, WE are awesome. I am a dad. I am a libertarian if you must stick me in a political box and I am an advocate for the elimination of the black licorice jelly bean.
My major projects ARE:
MediTiva - Eco friendly technocrats in the MMJ industry.
Think Squad - TransMedia Producers, Viral marketing, Digital Brand Management
I also grow medical cannabis for terminal patients using my own products (LitroGlow + LitroGrow), and hydro-aeroponic designs.