“Let Me Help”
(They are strolling along, hand in hand, as 'Goodnight, Sweetheart' carries in the air from a radio repair shop.)
EDITH: Why does Spock call you Captain? Were you in the war together?
KIRK: We served together.
EDITH: And you don't want to talk about it? Why? Did you do something wrong? Are you afraid of something? Whatever it is, let me help.
KIRK: Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you.
EDITH: Centuries from now? Who is he? Where does he come? Where will he come from?
KIRK: Silly question. Want to hear a silly answer?
KIRK: A planet circling that far left star in Orion's belt. See?
(Not that you can actually see any stars in the night sky above the Brooklyn Bridge.)
was brought to my attention an episode in Star Trek regarding this.
What are the 3 most important words you can say to another? I love you
is the common answer, but I would like to explore an alternative,
inspired by Star Trek, though technically Harland Ellison wrote this
(They are strolling along, hand in hand, as 'Goodnight, Sweetheart' carries in the air from a radio repair shop.)
EDITH: Why does Spock call you Captain? Were you in the war together?
KIRK: We served together.
EDITH: And you don't want to talk about it? Why? Did you do something wrong? Are you afraid of something? Whatever it is, let me help.
KIRK: Let me help. A hundred years or so from now, I believe, a famous novelist will write a classic using that theme. He'll recommend those three words even over I love you.
EDITH: Centuries from now? Who is he? Where does he come? Where will he come from?
KIRK: Silly question. Want to hear a silly answer?
KIRK: A planet circling that far left star in Orion's belt. See?
(Not that you can actually see any stars in the night sky above the Brooklyn Bridge.)
is often talked about in movies. Often said at hello and goodbye, at
times of endearment, and at times of great sorrow. Its often over used
and used in place of awkward silences. The three little words of “I love
you” are very powerful, and sometimes can bring great healing. However,
those are not the three most important words. They only express emotion
or a feeling. They are stationary. They do not express action. People
can deeply love another person, but then be brutally harmful to them.
Hence, the human drama.
No, the three most important words
are not “I love you”, but rather…”Let me help”. When I say let me help,
I say it all. I put my love into action. I also empower the other. They
have the ability to tell me no, and they have the power to reply yes.
They can tell me where, when, and how. The why is obvious - because of
my desire to love or live as a selfless servant. It also acknowledges
that there is a need, but the person is managing on their own. They
could have given up, but they didn’t. By helping, I’m not doing the job
for them, or ridding them of their affliction or struggle, but merely
helping them progress through it. More importantly, it signifies that
they aren’t alone in the struggle; someone else is with them.
can’t express the magnanimity I feel regarding learning this lesson.
When considering what else I have to do or accomplish today, what could
be more important than helping another. Expressing to them that they
aren’t alone, they aren’t powerless, and they are not helpless…and
neither am I.
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